As you may know, the Chapter House has gone through extensive renovations over the last few years. This has been accomplished through the generosity, commitment and support of many of our Gamma Iota alumni.
Our Alumni and Trustees have been very generous with their time and talents to help us maintain our Chapter House property. We must continue to raise funds to help support an environment that allows for our active brothers to develop leadership skills and character.... and the Chapter House is our platform.
A re-mortgaging of the house, supplemented by an increase in rent collected from the undergraduate Chapter has helped stabilize our financial condition. As a result of the time and financial contributions made by our Trustees and Alumni, we've recently been able to complete long overdue renovations to bring the House up to safety and livability standards. Take a look!
Old City Side Forced Hot Air Furnace
New Forced Hot Water Furnaces Servicing Entire House
Old City Side Forced Hot Air Ducts
New Forced Hot Water Radiators Servicing Entire House
Old Basement Sinks
New Coin Operated Laundry
Formerly a library, then game room etc...
Finally, stalls and ventilation.
Gets a lot of use for project, group study and PTN Trustee meetings